Aditya Koranga

ECIES in 5G Core: SUPI to SUCI Conversion

BY – Aditya Koranga SUPI stands for Subscription Permanent Identifier, a permanent unique identifier assigned to each sim card for the identity of a subscriber. In 4G it was called IMSI(International Mobile Subscriber Identity). SUPI is a 15 or 16 digits string that contains MCC(Mobile Country Code), MNC(Mobile Network Code), and MSIN(Mobile Subscriber Identification Number). …

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OAI, Free5gc, open5gs and Magma 5G Core STANDARDS FOR SMF

BY ADITYA KORANGA The table shows different Technical Specifications used in OAI, OPEN5GS, FREE5GC and Magma for 5G Core SMF Function. Basis OAI 5G Core FREE5GC 5G Core OPEN5GS 5G Core MAGMA 5G CORE Language  C++ Golang  C C++ SM Context Management ETSI TS 123 502 V16.7.0– 3GPP TS 23.502 ETSI TS 123 …

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